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18th World Congress of Psychotherapy

Crossroads of Clinical Practice and Research
Trondheim, Norway, 14-18 Aug. 2002


A new Glossary for Psychotherapy?

A Call for Contributions from all Potential WCP-2000 Participants

In all schools of psychotherapy, some words and concepts have well defined meanings. Sometimes the same terms could mean different things, or the same concept could have different designations, depending on which direction you are looking.

The Congress Organizing Committee had plans to produce an easy-to-read glossary of different terms, but soon recognized, that not only there existed corresponding sources of information, but there were many such sources. We have therefore changed our goal to the construction of a good list of literature to consult.

We are interested in soliciting literature references to works including glossaries, encyclopedia, etc, where different concepts are explained in a condensed form. We are interested in all schools of psychotherapy, from psychoanalysis, family therapy, to cognitive therapy, you name it.

Task Number One

References to books or articles containing glossaries of psychotherapeutic terms and concepts. Submit a list, with comments (both quantity and quality will be considered for selecting the best contributions).

Task Number Two

How could such a list of glossary references be made available to congress participants in a creative way, so that it can be a useful reference also after the congress is completed (both content and form will be considered in selecting the best contributions).

Your name and email

Please give your name and email address, so we can identify your contribution. Especially if your contribution is deemed best we would like to be able to contact you.


Recognition for the Best Contributions

The best contributions for each task will be given special recognition during the WCP Congress.

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[ 2nd announcement | 3rd announcement | address | background | clinical workshops | keynotes | glossary | main page | major symposia topics | organizing committees | practical information | program features | program outline | registration information | Trondheim ]

Do you have any questions or comments?
Please use to inquire about the Congress. Regarding the web site please use wcp at skaug dot no
Last updated December 23 2001, Sunday